
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

Vinaigrettes… I’ve had a few…

Note to self: When in the USA, ordering chicken soup and a green salad as a brief hiatus from the towering serves of fat and grease that passes as cuisine, don’t forget to ask for no cheese…

…in both the green salad and the chicken soup.

Oh, and when ordering the salad, don’t forget that, just like “entrée”, the word “vinaigrette” translates differently from the French when in the USA. The Americans use the less common definition that apparently means “sugary syrup”.


  1. Wanting the least offensive dressing possible, I always ordered “olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette” on my salads. Then I read the ingredients on a container of ready-made stuff. Surely, I thought, it should be called “olive oil, balsamic, fructose, salt and gum vinaigrette?”

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