
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

O! I C Y!

Why is it that we currently have The O.C., SVU, CSI and NCIS on TV, but none are on the ABC or SBS?

If you take an earring out of a pierced ear, the whole closes over and heals up. I was afraid that this might happen to the RSS feed. This post is really just to prevent that from happening.

It’s not blog-fade! I have a real excuse: I was travelling!

I possibly broke a new record – I think it has been the longest I’ve survived without Internet access for 12 years.

My next excuse is that I have to sort and process the 1700-odd photos I took while I was away, so it is heads-down for a while.


  1. Point taken, Aristotle. I’ll keep that in mind next time.

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