
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

Get with the 21st Century, Beijing!

Feature Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch 24 W White LED Torch
Burn Time (minutes) 15 120
Length (cm) 72 38
Brightness “flame can be identified and photographed in sunshine and areas of extreme brightness” “The brightest torch we have ever seen!”, “not for the faint hearted” (1800 Lumens)
Wind-proof? Good (up to 65 km/hr) Excellent
Water-proof? Good (Withstands rain at up to 50 mm/hr) Excellent
Protester’s Fire-extinguisher proof? No Yes
Can be re-charged from car lighter? No Yes
Coloured filters supplied? No Yes
Lanyard supplied? No Yes
1 CommentCategories: Humour,Thoughts from the Shower
Tags: China, Olympics


  1. “not for the faint hearted.”

    That’s what the reasoning is – the Chinese are being aware of those with weak hearts. Wouldn’t want anyone to have a myocardial infarction at the sight of all that luminosity.

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