
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

MP3 Mime Type

Dear Web Server Owners,

According to IANA‘s list, you should be using RFC 3003 as a guide. It says your MP3 files should have an MIME type of audio/mpeg.

It shouldn’t be audio/x-mpeg, but I can see how that might arise.

It shouldn’t be an empty string – perhaps you are getting confused between MIME and mime?

And it certainly shouldn’t be audio/iTunes or application/iTunes. Now, you are just making up crap.


One of the many developers, who has to keep adding new fake MIME Types to their whitelists, every time their code falls over.


  1. Who uses audio/iTunes, or application/iTunes?

    Name and shame!

  2. I started getting application/iTunes from an NPR server in the last few days.

    I didn’t record where I saw audio/iTunes. Finding out now would require a lot of re-downloading of old files, and it may well have been fixed, so forgive me for not bothering.

  3. perhaps you are getting confused between MIME and mime?


    That said, if there is no Content-Type header (not a header with an empty value, I mean no header at all), that is acceptable – it means “you are free to sniff the content to determine its type.” It’s not ideal, but neither is it incorrect.

    Btw, I would bet that whoever made up that crap and capitalised it that way didn’t know they could just as well write it audio/iTunes or audio/itunes or AUDIO/ITUNES or aUDiO/iTuNEs or whatever else. (MIME type names are case-insensitive.)

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