
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

Butterfly Verbing

The sign at the butchery advertised “Butterflyed Chicken”.

I smiled to myself wryly, and thought: That should say “Butterflied Chicken’- no, wait… “Butterflown Chicken”… err… maybe it should be “Butterflyed” after all.

Wikipedia currently agrees with the butcher.

However, Google ranks it Butterflied > Butterflown > Butterflyed. Google seems to have been influenced by proper noun versions of the verb version of the noun.

Just an observation; no punchline.

In researching this, I found the folk etymology for butterfly that I was told when I was a child – that it is a spoonerism for “flutter by” – is not correct. It was always unlikely, but it would have been nice if it was true.
3 CommentsCategories: Observation
Tags: etymology, grammar, linguistics, Observation, signs


  1. Turns out I wasn’t finished thinking about this.

    What if, after your butterflew your chicken, you sautéd it?

    Would it be butterfried butterflied chicken?

  2. Ouch!

    Please write one hundred times: “I will not verb nouns.”

  3. Verbing weirds language.

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