
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

Facial Fatigue

Here’s a little anatomy practical you can try at home.

Relax your face, and then calmly say the words “Double-you Tee Eff” out aloud. Note which muscles are used.

Now, repeat the experiment, but this time say the words “What the fuck?” out aloud, with just a little bit of passion thrown in there. Can you feel the difference? Go on, try it.

There are some muscles at the top of your cheeks that tense up, as you try to make sense of the situation. It is almost a half-squint; it doesn’t actually affect your eye-sight, like a full squint does, but many of the same muscles are invoked. It is almost as though by semi-squinting you might actually be able to make out what the fuck is going on.

Those muscles are known to anatomists as your ‘upper picasas’. They are given this name from the fatigued feeling you get in these muscles after using Google Picasa for half-an-hour.


  1. And here I thought you’d been reading Youtube comments or something equally mind melting.

    Also, T feels to me more like grin muscles than squint muscles… Maybe you’re putting too much eyebrow motion into it?

  2. I know it is a big claim, but Picasa is as mind-melting as YouTube comments.

    You’re right about the T. Focus on the W to get the right expression.

  3. Oi.

  4. I’ve never used Picasa, I’ve just seen the reaction videos of people who have…

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  1. OddThinking » Online Photo DB: Stage 4o - Evaluation of Picasa Web