
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

Blu Tack Shelf-Life and Stickiness

This post is offered so that you may learn from the experience of others.

I have some learned some things this week.

Firstly, it’s not called Blue-Tac, it is called Blu Tack.

I have an old packet of Blu Tack that I have had for many, many years. Probably over a decade; I don’t recall purchasing it. I don’t use it much. Blu Tack never seems to be sticky enough.

In fact, I tried to use it recently, and its lack of stickiness (tackiness?) frustrated me. I did some searching.

Did you know that Blu Tack was originally white, but they were afraid children would eat it so they coloured it blue/grey.

A friend recently revealed she would eat Blu Tack as a child, because it was the same colour as smurfs. So much for that idea.

More relevantly, Blu Tack has a shelf-life of only two years!

Emboldened, I discarded the unused portion of my old Blu Tack, went to the supermarket and bought a fresh packet of blueish-greyish sticky goodness!

It isn’t any stickier.

Let that be a lesson for us all.


  1. Isn’t retirement exciting?

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