
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

Outage Ongoing

I turns out I was wrong.

I thought the Denial of Service attack on this web-server had finished because I was getting good responsiveness from the site.

Turns out it was just a lull. Just a few hours ago, the cpu load on the machine was up around 330. (For the non-Unix people, that’s a measurement that is a bit tricky, but you should only feel comfortable when it is below 1.) This site was not working very well.

If this post gets through, it must be another lull (or fixed!).

My host claims that they are taking action to work out who is the intended victim and who are the innocent victims, but decline to say how long it will take.

Given the outage, I don’t have time to construct a full apology. Let me give you a pool of words that you can select from to assemble into sentences with your own conjunctions: apologies. inconvenience. sorry. you. we. I. me. never. always. happen. again. will. won’t. circumstances. out. control. administrator. responsible. fired. from. cannon. victim. blame. serves. you. right.


  1. “I always happen”? Ummm, ok. I guess I can accept that.

  2. I’m sorry I can’t accept those words unless they are in fridge magnet form.

    Also I think you mean load average, not cpu load? Or did you?

  3. Alastair, according to the man page for uptime, I mean “system load average for the past 1 minute”, yes.

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