
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

Getting My Internet Shitfight Priorities Straight

My reaction to the recent Oatmeal versus FunnyJunk and/or Carreon debacle is to fervently hope that a decent photographer near Matthew Inman (the cartoonist who has promised to send a photograph of the proceeds of his charity drive to FunnyJunk, as a blow-off response to a legal threat) has written to him to volunteer to take a professional studio shot. If this image is going to be seen by hundreds of thousands of people, I want it to be suitably artistic and classy (for Inman’s personal definition of art and class). I want it to be well-lit, well-focused and well-composed. I don’t want it to be some grainy snapshot from a camera phone.

Sigh. It really worries me that this is what I care about. This is the one part of the outcome that I have an opinion on. I don’t think I am ready yet to be an upstanding citizen of the real world.

Oh and I wanted to share my thoughts on the recent celebrity divorce announcement…

Phew! It is such a relief to get that off my chest.


  1. Don’t you care that your chances of having non-morally-dubious sex with a celebrity have gone up ever so slightly?

  2. I had a hair-cut today. That had a greater influence on my chances, but it didn’t get reported breathlessly in the media.

  3. And here is the actual result. Meh. It is funny, but it could have been art.

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