
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

Cross-A-Pix: Trying out Constraint Programming engines

After the Snail Puzzle, I took a huge departure from my previous attempts at newspaper puzzle solving. Basically, I broke all of my self-imposed rules. I had a discussion about Constraint Programming with some other developers. My contribution to the discussion was basically “I don’t know anything about Constraint Programming,” so I decided to give […]


Categories: Puzzle Solving,S/W Dev
Tags: puzzles

The Snail Puzzle

[*FX*: Sound of man blowing dust off and old engine, opening the fuel valve, adjusting the throttle and then yanking the pull cord a couple of times until the motor starts up.] Would you look at that? The blog still works. I’ve come back for a couple of quick posts. I used to document all […]


Categories: Puzzle Solving,S/W Dev
Tags: puzzles