The radio-play script called for the sound of a glass smashing. There was only one thing for it.
Read more...The radio-play script called for the sound of a glass smashing. There was only one thing for it.
Read more...Another story about insulting co-workers.
This story contains swear words. If you find common swear words offensive, I recommend that you do read this article. You clearly need toughening up.
Read more...“Buttered-side up!” my father exclaimed with joy, “It landed buttered-side up! What are the chances of that? It never lands buttered-side up!”
Read more...I am scared of people who wear clown noses.
Please understand why I would rather just give a donation than buy a nose on Red Nose Day. It is in support of a worthy charity, but leaves me shuddering slightly all day.
Read more...I once found myself performing a cold-reading. It was an interesting experience, but I was left feeling uncomfortable.
Read more...In the shadowy world of credit ratings, companies trade behind your back in gossip about your past.
I wanted to see what they had to say about me – what story they have been tattling.
Read more...The last gaming console I ever bought was the Sony PlayStation. Maybe I am really missing out, but the PlayStation was so disappointing, I never felt the urge to move away from the PC-based video-games again.
Read more...After putting in my security clearance application, I got a phone call from someone wanting to check a few details.
Read more...The manager in charge of the test team was gossiping to me one day about the pain involved in running a stability test.