
A blog for odd things and odd thoughts.

Unit-tests considered…

Here is a short, fictionalised, autobiographical play I wrote, in which unit-tests cause more technical debt than the code.


Comment Profiling

Can you find interesting web articles by profiling the comments?


Win and Placebo II

Further study into placebos leads to some surprising findings.


Playing Sharps and Flats Naturally

One of the many reasons I have been quiet recently is I am working on a personal project – an amateur stop-motion video. The final product will appear to be a large group of my friends playing music in an orchestra. The raw material I have is dozens of sets of still photos of my friends pretending to play instruments in front of a green-screen. Each set has about 10 photos of the person playing the instrument.

I am working on an interesting challenge, and I thought that I might benefit if I wrote it out as a blog article to force me to think it through.


Categories: Puzzle Solving,S/W Dev

Bad Design Ruined my Lunch

Bad design #1 Someone installed a smoke-alarm on my kitchen ceiling. It means it has false alarms when I am frying, unless it is well vented. Bad design #2 Once smoke-alarm it is going, the only way to shut it up is to get a ladder and remove the battery or to get a fan […]


Categories: Uncategorized

The Cake Ad is a Lie

Not too far from where I live is a mall containing a branded pasticceria café. They have several prominent framed poster-boards, several of which display the following quote, attributed to the owner: “The quality of our cakes linger long after the value of the price is gone.” For some reason, these advertisements scrape particular hard […]


Golden Rationalisation

The remarkable mathematical property a Golden Rectangle has is that its long side divided by its shortest side is exactly equal to the ratio of the number of bullshit claims about the Golden Rectangles compared to truthful ones.


Categories: Cathartic Rant,Observation
Tags: design, golden ratio, golden rectangle, newtwitter, skepticism, twitter

Ethics of Piracy

In which Julian wades in on the conservative side of the piracy debate.


Categories: Influencing Others

FYI: I’m writing at Unfringed

Introducing Nonblocking Log Handler

Tying together the Nonblocking Log Handler story.